The time is now for the true worshipers to worship God in spirit and in truth.

True worship is a whole-hearted devotion to the eternal Father, KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, which ushers hidden glory into the earth.
A great awakening and move of God!
The True Worshippers Movement (TTW) is a global pioneers movement that teaches true worship and is raising an awakened people who worship God the Father in spirit and truth. TTW is neither a ministry nor church organization, but rather a heavenly assignment to train singers in churches to become worshipers and to wake up and call saints to work for the King of glory according to each person’s respective calling, ministry, assignment and mandate.
There is currently a wave of frustration among ministers of God because of lack of insight into divine patterns required to work for God perfectly. Many have not patiently waited for sanctification and to receive guidelines or instructions needed to pursue the high calling of God in order not to be castaway or run in vain.
This website provides in-depth training programs and easy access from anywhere to quality digital resources in order to equip you with the knowledge required to fulfill God’s purpose and perfect plan of destiny.
Dynamic Instructors and Facilitators!
We make learning interactive, refreshing, deep and practical, to empower you with biblical and revelatory solutions to actual challenges in pursuing the call of God in these last days.

What Others Think!
Watch the testimony of the following trainees.