Welcome to a global pioneers movement which teaches true worship and is raising a people who worship God the Father in spirit and truth. The True Worshippers (TTW) is neither a church institution nor denomination, but is rather an awoken people and generation.
TTW will demonstrate true worship in the body of Christ and to the nations, as the Heavenly Father seeks a people who will worship him in the heart, unhindered by physical temples and places. The True Worshippers Movement fulfills John 4:21-24.
Although the pioneer behind this assignment is a lay member of the Methodist Church of Ghana, Paul has peculiar experiences working in various denominations and local churches, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be able to provide services to any and all churches. The Heavenly Father ordained Paul as custodian of realms to bring the universal church into a deeper place spiritually. Paul’s experiences as a forerunner enable him to clearly communicate hidden mysteries of God to the churches of God.
The expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven into every space of influence can only happen when the invisible Kingdom of God is established in the hearts of men who are sent by the Holy Ghost to occupy and influence various industries and realms for the King of glory. This is part of what Christ Jesus meant in John 14:1-4. For this cause, Paul has been given a torch and sword to carry a great move of God into regions and territories of the earth and to bring an awakening and revival to the call of the Father for true worshippers.
Worship is not singing; it is a whole-hearted devotion to the eternal Father, KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, which ushers hidden glory into the earth. When singing or music becomes worship, the exact atmosphere and will of God in heaven can be replicated on earth through the sound of heaven.
The trainings done under the TTW assignment guide and impart believers with knowledge and grace needed to fulfill the call of God through books, audio-visual resources and workshops, with personal coaching and mentorship as required. Some are recruited to join a special team that works with Paul to support this huge task, while others are separated unto the work they are called for by the Holy Ghost. The same is done specially for singers, intercessors and spirit-warriors and kingdom financiers. (Acts 6:1-7; 13:2-3)
Please note that all who connect with this assignment are encouraged to be members (whether in good standing or not) of a local community, church or denomination. This way, we are building the body of Christ unto perfection. All members of this movement are responsible and active members of various local churches where they serve with passion and joy, using knowledge and impartations gained from these training programs.
- Train singers in churches to be worshippers
- Wake up, call, activate and train believers to work for the King of glory in order to be perfected for His return (not limited to pulpit ministry);
- Direct and guide believers by the gift of the prophet to enter into divine callings, ministries, assignments and mandates.
- Prepare believers for the return of the King of glory, learning to give Him glory because it is a privilege to be in His employ.
- Host corporate prayer meetings and establish kingdom prayer cells where the move of God is evident in power and wisdom.
- Bring cleansing and renewal of mind to a generation of teenagers and youth in schools.
- Raise kingdom financiers;
- Release new sounds of worship from Heaven for revival, a great awakening and harvest of souls.
- Take the presence and power of God through music to a hungry & thirsty generation.
- Provide online training on true worship and publish divine revelations Paul has been entrusted with for the body of Christ, for free.
- Recruit and build a team of singers and intercessors who work for the King of glory, using their gifts solely for the Kingdom of God, and carry this assignment to the ends of the earth.
- Produce and lead prophetic worship music for the edification, exhortation and comfort of the body of Christ.
- Biblical references: John 4:19-24; Psalm 24; Ephesians 4-5; Acts 13:1-4;
- Learn more about Paul’s ministry at paulesuon.com.
View available online courses here.
About a decade ago, I felt discontent with my profession and career over nine solid years as a software engineer and took a break to discover my purpose. On one fine evening, I had a supernatural encounter with God whilst watching an interview of Andrae Crouch. He spoke on how God had gifted him with music despite no formal training. His Dad who had a calling to crossover into full-time ministry loved music so much that he made a deal with God – if God would grant his son Andrae the gift of music, he would in turn accept the call to preach. Click here to watch the full interview of Andrae Crouch.
In short, God gave Andrae an amazing gift after his Dad prayed. Andrae’s first song – “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power”, was composed at the age of 14 at a picnic party. Watching this made such a strong impression on me that with tears in my eyes, I made a covenant with God that if he would bless me with such a gift of music as Andrae had, I would use my voice and musical talents only for His Glory.
The next morning, as I practiced on my piano a melody I couldn’t get out of my head – “Love Look What You’ve Done to Me” by David Foster and Boz Scaggs, I received an overwhelming inspiration through that melody about “the beginnings”, when the Spirit of God hovered over the deep (Gen 1:1-3). I managed to write a few lines down as tears flowed down my cheeks unto the sheet. Unlearned in the things of God, I could not deduce that I was having an encounter with God and was seeing a spiritual vision as I ended up flat on the floor – sobbing to release the overwhelming emotion I felt within me because of this strong presence over me. Laying on the floor seemed to make my body feel better.
Indeed I could not have fathomed how much was wrapped up in the gift I asked for, but over the years I began to experience various dimensions of it as it was unpacked to my understanding and the profit of others.
Two years later, I had a strong desire to put together an inter-denominational music group that would minister in public places and in churches. I discussed it with an acquaintance who had just completed his first degree in church music and was looking for the next thing to pursue in life. He thought I was over zealous, especially since I said that the group had to do with “revival”. I quite recall him asking: “Has God told you this has to do with revival”?
Being raised as a conservative Methodist, frankly I could not answer him confidently with regards to hearing God because these were early moments of learning to be intentionally led by the promptings and voice of the Holy Spirit, at least according to how Charismatic or Pentecostal believers put it. I however felt genuinely inspired and stirred toward this cause and was not driven by profit, so we sorted out our differences and together worked on an online advert seeking out singers, instrumentalists and gifted people to join our little group. It was an incredible time as we went through several auditions of singers. Very quickly, we were able to filter out and put together a group of 12 members. About two months later, we got an opportunity to minister at the 10th anniversary of a church, so I felt we needed a name. I sought the Lord for a name to call the group and in prayer, “True Worshippers” came into my heart. I later found this name in the gospel of John 4:23.
This group went on to minister songs like “Use Me”, “At the cross”, “More than enough” and “He’s been faithful” by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir at the church.
To my pleasant surprise I ran into my ordained life partner on this assignment and we got married 7 months later. It was a thrilling time of hope, faith, and love. These months were one of the most crucial short seasons of maturity in my young adult life. My wife was a worship leader in church.
Shortly after getting married, I was led by the Holy Spirit to put the group on a hiatus believing that God wanted to work separately on the individual members.
Successive years brought clarity as God confirmed that the true worshippers is my divine assignment, for which I will be judged by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has equipped me with further anointings and gifts for this work, along with intense training and special revelation as a prophet of a generation.
On 2nd July 2021, in a vision and by the word of the Lord, I was commissioned for the second phase of my ministry where I am sent to schools to bring a cleansing and a mighty harvest. Through evangelistic crusades that are musical in nature, God has instructed me to simply mount up worship to Him with my keyboard and has promised to manifest His presence and move in the midst of students with His power of salvation, deliverance and healing.
Along with a team of singers and musicians, we setup revival tents in schools and regions that lasts for days and hosts the manifest presence of the Lord which destroys the works of the devil and establishes the kingdom of God in the lives and hearts of people. Thus the theme: on earth as in heaven.
The days are evil and gross darkness has covered the people, but we have the fulfillment of bible prophecy underway and the sons of God are rising. The King of glory returns but must first be seen in His people. (Isaiah 60)
Symbol Meaning

Crown of pure gold:
Kings and Priests unto God ordained to rule the earth (Rev. 5:10)
Holiness unto the LORD (Exo. 39:30);
Crown of glory that fadeth not away (1 Pet. 5:1, 4)
Kneeling with head bowed towards the earth, giving Worship to Him that sits upon the throne, and the Lamb, for ever and ever. (Rev 5:13-14)
Reverence in Worship (Psa 89:7); the Fear of the Lord (Prov 9:10)
“Every kindred, tongue, people, and nation” (Rev. 5:9)
Yellow glow on face:
“As we behold with open face as in a glass the glory of the Lord, we are changed into the same image of Christ from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord“. (2 Cor. 3:18; 2 Cor. 4:6)
White linen robe:
Purity, righteousness & boldness to approach God as blameless, in Christ Jesus. (Isa. 1:18, Heb. 4:14-16, Rev. 19:8)
Royal Blue Cuff (Right Sleeve):
Cuff holds the sleeve in place: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand (Psa 121:5)
Royal priesthood after the order of Melchizedek, chosen to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ, and to shew forth the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his marvellous light.
(Psalm 110; 1 Peter 2:5, 9)